Book a Framing Consultation or Frame Pickup


Important: We are having some issues with emails through our online booking system. Once you have completed the booking, please assume your booking has been confirmed even if you do not receive a confirmation email in your inbox or junk folder. Feel free to contact us on 613-324-9839 if you have any questions about your booking.


Please book a time below for your in-person framing consultation or frame pickup. Please note: appointments can only be booked 3 hours or more in advance, if you wanted an immediate appointment, please give us a call or email us and we will fit you in if we are available.

You can also now check your order status online! Please enter your order number in the box below to check the order status. If the order has been completed, please book a pickup appointment using our booking calendar. 

If you would like to talk about your framing over the phone or via email, please feel free to email us at any time, or call us during our business hours on 613-324-9839. There is no need to make an appointment. 

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